NGO Registration & Trust Registration Service in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore & Rahim Yar Khan

NGO Registration & Welfare Trust Registration Services | NGOs in Karachi-Islamabad: Our Major Services are NGO/Welfare Trust Registration

NGO Registration & Trust Registration Services in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Rahim Yar Khan, are being provided by our company for the last 38 years. Our NGO & Trust Registration Services in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore have been diligently offered by our esteemed company for the past 38 years. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we have successfully assisted numerous organizations in the registration of their NGOs and trusts. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of the registration process and ensures compliance with all legal requirements. 
Whether you are looking to establish an NGO or a trust, our comprehensive services encompass all aspects, including documentation, bylaw drafting, and submission to the relevant authorities. Trust in our expertise and experience to navigate the complexities of NGO and trust registration, allowing you to focus on making a positive impact on society.  

Our law firm has a long-standing history of providing NGO Registration and Trust Registration Services in major cities of Pakistan, including Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore. We specialize in offering comprehensive services for NGO and welfare trust registration, as well as company, firm, and income tax registration and filing. Our core focus is on assisting NGOs in Karachi and Islamabad, ensuring that they comply with the necessary legal requirements and benefit from our expertise in registration and tax matters.
NGO Registration in Karachi

NGO and Trust Registration Services for Charitable and Welfare Trusts

Our law firm is proud to offer a wide range of services specifically tailored to NGOs and Trusts in Pakistan. With our extensive experience in the field, we provide comprehensive assistance for the registration and compliance of NGOs, charitable trusts, and welfare trusts. Our services cover the key aspects of NGO and Trust registration, ensuring a seamless and efficient process for our clients.

NGO Registration Services:

Our law firm specializes in facilitating the registration of NGOs in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore. We understand the unique requirements and legal framework governing NGOs in Pakistan. Our team of experts guides clients through the entire registration process, including documentation, drafting of bylaws, and submission to the relevant authorities. We ensure that our clients comply with the necessary regulations and fulfil all the criteria for NGO registration.

Charitable/Welfare Trust Registration:

For individuals or organizations looking to establish charitable trusts, our law firm provides comprehensive registration services. We assist in creating legally sound trust deeds and ensuring compliance with the Trusts Act. Our team helps clients navigate through complex legal requirements, such as defining charitable objectives, identifying trustees, and structuring the governance of the trust. By streamlining the registration process, we help establish charitable trusts that can make a lasting impact on society.

Compliance and Legal Support For NGOs:

In addition to registration services, our law firm provides ongoing support and guidance to NGOs and registered trusts. We assist in ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including the filing of annual reports, and tax returns, and maintaining proper records. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest legal developments, enabling us to provide timely advice and support to our clients. We strive to ensure that our clients operate following the legal framework and fulfil their social responsibilities effectively.

We Provide a Comprehensive Range of Services For NGOs and Trusts:

With our extensive experience and expertise in NGO and Trust registration, our law firm is dedicated to assisting organizations and individuals in establishing and operating charitable and welfare trusts. We provide a comprehensive range of services, including NGO registration, charitable trust registration, and welfare trust registration. Helping our clients register and comply with legal requirements enables them to make a positive impact on society and contribute to the welfare of Pakistani communities.


NGOs and Welfare Trusts are non-government organizations working for the welfare of the poor and needy people of Pakistan. NGO registration and filing of statutory annual reports is the core job of our lawyers. In Pakistan, most of the NGOs were registered under the societies registration Act, 1860 but this portfolio has been assigned to the Provincial Government and each Provincial Assembly has passed separate Acts which are in force in the provinces. We are providing A-Z services to NGOs and trusts in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore & Rawalpindi’s Non-Profit sector.

Pakistan is recognized as a country whose name is famous for its vast charitable campaigns. Among other reasons one is that Pakistan is a developing country and it is fast growing. The non-profit sector in Pakistan is expanding with each passing decade to meet the growing challenges in the country. The Government of Pakistan realizes the importance of Non-Governmental Organizations (commonly referred to as NGOs) and their role in the country for its betterment and growth. There are many NGOs and other community-based organizations working in Pakistan. we are providing A-Z services to NGOs and Trust in Karachi, Islamabad and Rawalpindi

The NGOs with formal structures usually become societies or voluntary welfare organizations and a large proportion of the non-profit sector does not get registered with any government body.

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NGO Registration is Extremely Difficult After Pakistan Government Adopted FATF Recommendation
The onerous registration process and restrictive regulations imposed on NGOs in Pakistan due to the adoption of FATF recommendations have created significant barriers, leaving the country’s impoverished population without the much-needed assistance and support from NGOs, exacerbating their suffering and starvation.

The recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), while technically non-binding, hold significant weight as they have garnered endorsement from 180 countries. These recommendations are universally recognized as the international standard for countering terrorism financing and have been incorporated into UN Security Council resolutions and the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. They have also been translated into obligations at the regional level and implemented at the national level. Non-compliance with these recommendations can have severe adverse consequences for states, including potential isolation from financial markets.

One specific recommendation, Recommendation 8, pertains to non-profit organizations (NPOs). It is accompanied by an Interpretative Note (revised in 2016) and the Best Practices on Combating the Abuse of Non-Profit Organizations (revised version approved in 2015). These documents emphasize that Recommendation 8 should only apply to a small subset of the non-profit sector based on a risk-based approach. They acknowledge the crucial role of civil society and highlight the importance of ensuring that the implementation of Recommendation 8 does not disrupt or discourage legitimate activities. Moreover, it should not violate countries’ obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international human rights law.

However, in practice, FATF and its regional bodies exert significant influence, pressuring governments to adopt or amend national counter-terrorism legislation without proper consultation with human rights defenders (HRDs) and civil society. The process often lacks transparency and accountability. There is a lack of responsiveness when governments misuse the FATF as a pretext to over-regulate, control, or even shut down civil society organizations, actions that should not be covered or legitimized under the guise of FATF’s label.

The real-life impact of FATF’s recommendations can be seen in overly complicated and restrictive registration requirements for organizations, limitations or de facto prohibition of foreign funding for critical human rights work, and the targeting of human rights activities through restrictive banking laws. These consequences pose challenges and hinder the vital work carried out by human rights defenders and civil society organizations.

NGO Registration in Karachi-Islamabad-Lahore, Welfare Trust Registration in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, NGOs in Karachi-Islamabad: NGO registration, Welfare Trust Registration in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Pakistan.

NGO Registration & Welfare Trust Registration in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Rahim Yar Khan: Our Core Services are NGO Registration In recent times, the development sector has experienced significant growth, with a study revealing that Pakistan has over 45,000 active non-profit organizations. These NGOs are estimated to generate an income exceeding PKR 16,400 million.

NGO registration is a crucial and very difficult process in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and various other regions of Pakistan. The purpose of registration is to enable NGOs to carry out a diverse range of activities aimed at addressing education, healthcare, poverty eradication, women’s and children’s rights, and other social issues. These activities are conducted at both the provincial and national levels, contributing to the overall development of society.


NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad is not very different from NGO registration in any other city in Pakistan. The legal Procedures which permit NGOs to function, are different from for-profit organizations. There exist certain laws in the country for NGO registration and keeping them operational as per the defined regulations.

Income Tax Ordinance, 2001:

According to the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, the eligible NGOs are exempted from the income tax.


NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad Pakistan can be done under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961. The legislation outlines approved purposes that lie within the social welfare scope. The NGO registration under this ordinance is compulsory if the organization wishes to take funding from the government.

The Societies Registration Act, 1860

Another way of NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad is the formation under The Societies Registration Act 1860. The act is applicable to the charitable societies formed on the basis of public benefit at a larger scale. Almost 66% of NGOs in Pakistan are registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. This implies great significance of the regulation


The Pakistan government engages in establishing policies to run the federal system. Therefore, the state evaluates how much power is to be given to NGOs to stay operational and support them playing a significant role in the country.
For the NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad, Social Welfare Department  administers and monitors the organizations under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961. 

Furthermore, the NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad Pakistan under the Societies Registration Act 1860 is approved through the District Offices of the Industry Department.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is accountable for issuing a license for NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad. However, there are certain terms applied in order to grant the license. The Not-for-profit companies are required to apply for a license from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Certain terms must be fulfilled before the SEC will grant a License.


According to the regulations, the non-profit organizations in Karachi and Islamabad which are registered under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 must maintain proper accounts and submit the annual audit report to the relevant District Officers in the city. The content of the submitted report should highlight the details of the organization’s members, the organization’s past activities and the objectives & plans for the upcoming year. These accounts and reports which are provided by NGOs can be accessible by the stakeholders and the general public for scrutiny.
In addition to the above requirements of NGO registration in Karachi, the registered Societies are required to submit a list of their members each year.
The charity organizations, which are eligible for any benefit from tax exemptions, will submit a copy of audited annual accounts along with other financial information like a list of fund donors and its beneficiaries, to the Central Board of Revenue. This procedure is untaken to monitor the consumption of funds and to maintain transparency.


The Social Welfare Training Institute has been assigned the duty to train the NGOs after getting registration under The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Registration Ordinance 1961. The training duty is assigned by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education in Sindh Province of Pakistan. The training by the Social Welfare Training Institute is conducted in its premises in Karachi and Islamabad. The institute also conducts mobile training sessions in other parts of the province.


In Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore, there are numerous NGOs operating without registration, but the benefits of registering as an NGO have greatly increased its value and importance in Pakistan.

Firstly, registered NGOs, including international NGOs, may qualify for certain tax exemptions, although there are specific conditions that apply. Charitable organizations that are registered can be exempted from income tax on a significant portion of their income, provided that the funds received are exclusively used for the defined charitable objectives and goals. It is worth noting that exemptions are not granted for income derived from property or business activities. To avail of tax exemptions and other associated benefits, NGOs must undergo registration with the Federal Board of Revenue.


 The Memorandum of Association signed copies (Qty 02),

The Article of Association signed copies (Qty 02),

 Attested CNIC copies of all the organization’s members (Qty 02),

 The Office Bearers list with mobile number – signed copies (Qty 02),

The General Body members list,

 The Meeting of Minutes of the society’s 1st Meeting of the Members,

Office location address, contact number, authenticate email address, letterhead, and website URL,

 Papers of property or Lease agreement of the office premises,

Contact numbers and authenticated email addresses of all the Members.


 The Constitution of the NGO signed copies (Qty 02)

Form B signed copies (Qty 02)

 Attested copies of CNIC of all the Members

The Office Bearers list with mobile number – signed copies (Qty 02)

 The General Body members list

 The Meeting of Minutes of the society’s 1st Meeting of the Members

 Office location address, telephone number, valid email address, Letterhead, website URL,

 Papers of property or Lease agreement of the office premises

 Contact numbers and authenticate email addresses of all the Members

Now we offer our services for NGO Registration or Trust Registration in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Rahim Yar Khan. Our Countrywide Network for the NGO / Welfare Trust Registration, Company / Firm / Income Tax Registration and Filing Services is Largest in Pakistan and our services are regarded as the best in Pakistan.TAXOCRATE takes pride in offering top-notch services for NGO Registration and Trust Registration throughout Pakistan. With a countrywide network covering Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Rahim Yar Khan, we provide unparalleled expertise in NGO and Trust registration, making us the leading service provider in Pakistan.

NGO Registration Services: 

At TAXOCRATE, we understand the significance of NGOs and their contribution to societal development. Our dedicated team excels in facilitating NGO registration across multiple cities, including Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Rahim Yar Khan. We guide clients through the entire registration process, ensuring compliance with the legal framework and providing valuable insights to help them establish and operate their NGOs successfully.

Trust Registration Services: 

Trusts play a crucial role in philanthropy and social welfare initiatives. Our experienced professionals at TAXOCRATE offer comprehensive Trust Registration services across Pakistan. We assist individuals and organizations in registering trusts, including charitable trusts and welfare trusts, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. With our expertise, clients can establish trusts that align with their philanthropic goals and positively impact society.

Unparalleled Countrywide Network For NGO & Trust Registration & Annual Filings: 

TAXOCRATE boasts the largest countrywide network for NGO and Trust Registration services in Pakistan. Our presence in key cities, including Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Rahim Yar Khan, enables us to extend our services effectively across the nation. Clients can benefit from our extensive network, ensuring convenience and accessibility while availing themselves of our expert assistance for NGO and Trust registration.

Best-in-Class Services For NGO & Trust Registration: 

Our commitment to delivering the best services in the industry has earned TAXOCRATE a reputation for excellence. We take pride in providing exceptional support for NGO and Trust Registration, as well as other related services such as Company, Firm, and Income Tax registration and filing. Our team of highly skilled professionals strives to exceed client expectations by offering personalized guidance and expert advice tailored to their specific needs.

We have 38 Year Experience in Corporate, Taxation & Intellectual Property Laws

Taxocrate is composed of seasoned legal consultants who have developed expertise in NGO registration in Karachi and Islamabad by working with many NGOs who are currently operating in the city. We have 38 year experience in corporate, taxation and intellectual property law practices. 

When it comes to NGO and Trust Registration in Pakistan, TAXOCRATE stands as the premier service provider. Our expansive countrywide network covering Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Rahim Yar Khan ensures that clients have access to our superior services wherever they are located. With a dedication to excellence and a commitment to serving our clients’ needs, TAXOCRATE is the trusted choice for reliable and efficient NGO and Trust Registration services in Pakistan.

The NGO registration requires a lot of effort and we understand that it is not an easy task. Therefore, we take the responsibility to do all the work required for NGO registration in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Rahim Yar Khan. Call us now to discuss your requirement and we are here to guide you with our expert advice and unmatched consultancy services.

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